.Henrik er Microsoft Regional Director for Danmark  

Jeg har siden 1999 været Microsoft Regional Director for Danmark.

Men hvad er en Microsoft Regional Director?

Regional Directors er udviklere som samarbejder med Microsoft om at videregive informationer om udvikling baseret på Microsofts teknologier. Det betyder - som en af mange aktiviteter - at jeg holder en hel del foredrag i regi af forskellige brugergrupper, brancheforeninger og i samarbejde med Microsoft. En fast del af en Regional Directors hverv er bl.a. at være arrangør af Developer Days konferencerne.

At være Regional Director er et ulønnet hverv - så jeg modtager altså desværre ingen aktie-optioner ;^ )

Men hvad siger Microsoft selv om Regional Directors ?

"Regional Directors are independent, users of Microsoft technology who inform and educate the Windows development community."

"The Microsoft Regional Director partner program enlists elite developers and architects around the world to help Microsoft build developer community in their local areas. Regional Directors (RDs) are active computer industry professionals who volunteer to act as a sounding board between the developer community and Microsoft, helping us understand the technology issues and trends at a grassroots level. RDs host local Developer Days events, work closely with their local Microsoft offices, and participate in various activities such as speaking, writing articles and books, leading user groups, etc."

"RDs are 120 partners in 50 countries. They speak many languages and have various areas of technical expertise. They are master presenters and consistently get the best scores when presenting to our customers. Regional directors are independent developers and architects, volunteers chosen for their leadership in their local technology circles, whose primary purpose is to share information about Microsoft technologies with their developer communities and to provide feedback from developers to Microsoft. Regional directors have gained developers' trust by providing an objective viewpoint and talking with developers in their own language. Regional Directors are not Microsoft employees, so they tend to be very open about our products, both good and bad. At the end of the day, though, customers get the information they need to be successful."

Microsoft har endvidere lavet en lille reklame video for Regional Directors (det er en meget amerikansk reklame video ;^) som du, hvis du har lyst, kan se på.

Hvis du har nogle ideer til initiativer, vi kan tage for at hjælpe udviklere til bedre at kunne lave applikationer baseret på Microsofts teknologier, må du meget gerne tage kontakt til mig. Hvis forslagene er inden for rimelighedens grænser - og hvis jeg synes at de er gode! - vil jeg enten selv sørge for at de bliver implementeret eller gå videre med dem til Microsoft.

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